Extension Programs
At Wooloowin, curriculum extension is offered to students identified as candidates for extension through:
1. A differentiated curriculum
What is a differentiated curriculum?
A differentiated curriculum meets the needs of all learners at their different levels of ability. It is an effective way of developing curriculum in a mixed ability classroom. It has been described as, 'Adapting the pace, level, and kind of learning provided in response to learners’ needs, styles and interests.' Carol Ann Tomlinson (2003).
At Wooloowin State School, teachers plan for the differentiation by aligning class unit assessment with the 'Critical and Creative Thinking' Scope and Sequence as well as incorporating differentiated strategies into everyday learning experiences.
2. In-school strategies
Other in-school strategies such as curriculum compacting, subject advancement and flexible groupings.
3. Opportunities for Extension
At Wooloowin State School, the following internal and external programs are offered to children who have demonstrated a high ability in certain aspects of their schooling:
Concert Bands combined with Kedron;
Marching Band
Kelvin Grove High Achievers’ Program for Year 5 and 6 students;
Young Scholars’ Program for Year 4, 5 and 6 students;
Readers Cup;
Mini Writers’, Scientists' and Thinkers' Festivals for Year 3 and 4 students;
Young Leaders’ Day;
City Cluster Student Leader Program
Code Club
The Wooloowin Gifted and Talented Policy is based on Gagnes's 'Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent' (DMGT).